The theatre show, ‘De Nachtfotograaf’ was part of ‘het Café Theater Festival’ of 2015 in Utrecht.

There can be heavy discussions about the price they ask for a picture. ‘Aren’t they from Pakistan? No I think they are from Bangladesh. No I heard they are from Sri Lanka and that they are sending the money they make to their families there. I don’t know where they come from but I do know that they all sleep together in one room!’. We apparently know a lot about these men, but are these things true?
Veerle van Dieren and Frédérique Hofman collaborated with me to make a theatre show about the’Polaroidmen’ in order to get rid of all the speculations people were spreading. In the piece they’ve created they tell about their personal search for the Polaroidmen and everything they came to find out about them.

My role in this project was
Stage design, flyer design and live audio technician during the shows